Excerpt from DVD "Neringa - Kuršių Nerija" EN
Excerpt from DVD movie "Neringa - Kursiu Nerija" (Neringa - The Curonian Spit)
If you want to purchase the full length movie, please, contact Nida Culture and Tourism Information Center "Agila" (Taikos st. 4, LT-93121, Nida, Neringa; Infomation - + 370 469 52345).
Neringa - one of the most beautifull resort places in the Baltic region. Sand dunes with a rare flora, lagoon side forest (palve) with hundred year trees and human planted mountain pine trees, white sand beaches, urban infrastructure (streets, piers, old town with an architecture characteristic to the region), places of interest, smell of the smoked fish, cultural and sports events - these are the accents representing region's uniqueness. They will stay long in your hearts.
Neringa is waiting for everyone: artists and sportsmen, foreign tourists, scientists and politics.
Everyone can find his own Neringa, own's heaven.
The DVD movie was prepared by:
State enterprise Thomas Mann Culture Center and Nida Culture and Tourism Information Center "Agila"
The project was financed by Lithuanian Republic Ministry of Economy and Neringa Municipality
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