Sound-of-sand Hill, Crescent-moon Lake 鸣沙山

Posted by Vaitas Kopos LT
n the majestic desert a hill of golden sand, formed over time, Stands next to a crescent moon—still there, hanging on the ground. Who would believe theyre real Without being here, witness to this wondrous scenery? Be not afraid of exhaustion, climbing the hill— Two steps upward, one sliding back. At the top you feel like a hero; Then, viewing the sunset with a confident smile, your reward: Intoxication.
Posted May 4, 2012 - Filed in Music - #Dunes  #Sand  #Desert  #CHINA  #mountain  #mingsha  #shan  #Dunhuang  #Silk  #Road  #West  #敦煌  #丝绸之路 
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