He tried to shield himself from his own mental accusation

  • After a few moments of silence, she stood up, dry-eyed, and
    looked out the window.  Hurstwood was just strolling up the
    street, from the flat replica oakley sunglasses, toward Sixth Avenue.

    The latter made progress along Thirteenth and across Fourteenth
    Street to Union Square.

    "Look for work!" he said to himself.  "Look for work! She tells
    me to get out and look for work."

    He tried to shield himself from his own mental accusation, which
    told him that she was right.

    "What a cursed thing that Mrs. Vance's call was, anyhow," he
    thought.  "Stood right there cheap oakleys, and looked me over.  I know what
    she was thinking."

    He remembered the few times he had seen her in Seventy-eight
    Street.  She was always a swell-looker, and he had tried to put
    on the air of being worthy of such as she, in front of her.  Now,
    to think she had caught him looking this way.  He wrinkled his
    forehead in his distress. 

    Hurstwood ascended a dusty flight of steps and entered a small,
    dust-coloured office fake oakleys, in which were a railing, a long desk, and
    several clerks.

    "Well, sir?" said a middle-aged man replica oakleys, looking up at him from the
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    "Do you want to hire any men?" inquired Hurstwood.

    "What are you--a motorman?"

    "No; I'm not anything," said Hurstwood. 




