5 Powerful Ways to Set Yourself Up for Success

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    Whatever goals you’re working towards in life, whatever dreams you have, you’ll want to give yourself thebest possible chance of success.

    You might be trying to lose weight, start your own business, write a book, redecorate the house … thesetips apply to almost any sizeable project.

    #1: Get Help and Support

    Having a bit of help from family,MBT Scarpe  friends or colleagues – or simply some friendly support – can make a worldof difference. Sometimes, this means direct assistance: your best friend might come over at the weekend tohelp you redecorate.

    Often, though, the help and support from the people around you comes a little more indirectly. It might beyour parents taking care of the kids for a few hours so you can work on your book, or your spouse takingcare of the chores while you write your business plan.

    #2: Have Money Available

    Not all projects need to cost money … but having some spare cash available is still a good idea. If you cansave up a small emergency fund, unexpected crises are much less likely to derail all your good plans. MBT  And ifyou find you need to invest in some software for your new business, or your redecorating costs end uphigher than expected, you don’t have to worry about spending the money.

    If you set aside just $10 each week, you’ll have $520 at the end of the year. It’s not a fortune – but it couldeasily be enough to make the difference between failure and success.

    #3: Take Care of Your Body

    Don’t push yourself too hard. In order to be at your best mentally, MBT Prezzi you need to be in good physical shapetoo. That means eating healthy foods that give you sustained energy as well as exercising on a regularbasis.

    It’s often tempting to cut back on sleep when you’re working on a lot of different goals. Try to avoid this:you’ll be putting your health at risk, and you may not really gain any extra productive time – you’ll end upworking slowly (or procrastinating more) because you’re tired.

    #4: Be Positive

    As you’re working towards your goal, you might find yourself thinking things like “I’ll never be thin, MBT Scarpe Outlet  so I mightas well give up and eat this huge slice of cake” or “I’ll never find a publisher for my book, so what’s the pointin writing it?”

    Replace these negative voices with more positive messages. You might even want to write down someencouraging thoughts, like “I know I can lose weight successfully.MBT Shoes  Every pound I lose makes me healthier” or“I really enjoy writing.”

    #5: Write Down Your Goals

    Whatever you’re planning to do, write it down – ideally, somewhere you’ll see regularly (perhaps on a smallcard in your wallet, or on your computer’s desktop). It’s easy to let days go by without working on any ofyour goals … but a written reminder will help keep you on track.

    Writing your goals down is also a great way to truly commit to them. It’s easy to keep saying “I want to loseweight” or “I want to write a book” or “I’m going to start my own business someday”scarpe mbt prezzi  – but it’s harder toactually take the first step towards that goal. You may even want to write a deadline alongside your goal tohelp you stay focused (e.g. “Finish the first draft of my book before my next birthday” or “Lose 20lbs beforeour summer vacation.”)