Tera Gold Id Software John Carmack explained why the commitment

  • Tera Gold 
    Tera Gold

    In a telephone conversation with reporters in Kotaku, id Software's John Carmack said that the game has been less than before, as an independent game studio, mixing in among the publishers is to promote the various constraints of its sugar daddy main reasons:

    "For example, in horse Rage, Doom, and future new work, we have from each distribution business, where to find out what the caliber is remarkable consistency, they are willing to subsidize us with partners jointly carry out the project, but most distribution business have said 'Well, if id willing to expand their own troops, works out of the hands of the internal studio, and that this project for us, much higher gold content will happen ah '. "

    "So we have already started to do Doom 4 development team to enhance the scale of change we are in that direction."

    Carmack particular reference to Activision, which is the upcoming "Castle Wolfenstein" (Langxue / Wolfenstein, id and Raven develop to project) publisher. But Activision has its own internal studios, such as responsible for "Call Tera Gold Tera Gold of Duty" / "modern war" series, Infinity Ward and Treyarch. Therefore, this layer between Carmack expressed concern:

    "A long time ago, we fire a gun just like the game is Activision's workshop, we just developed FPS works, we get along, nice and harmonious. But since they huh internal studio situation has changed, is to use human and material resources to support its own work so that the proceeds into their own pockets to do chatter, or duty-bound to work to support other stores and then with outsiders sit into? This is a very real conflict of interest and the budget year by year as the project gradually emerge. "

    id CEO Todd Hollenshead announced ZeniMax is the id is the best destination, because the two concepts in the development and marketing of the most close to the recent release than id Activision and EA Partners is more suitable when the husband, id's future will be better :

    "The id, the (combined) will not be much different, we will not change the taste of the game, the internal studio will speed up the expansion rate, which allows us to hands-on without having to Jiashoutaren, which will negative impact on the quality of the Tera Gold Tera Gold game ... ... there will be more and better works from the hands of id. So, if you are id's fans, tera blows all is good, the outlook is bright. "

    Do not wait for the future, Carmack is now very high, he said last week the first assessment of the upcoming FPS by EA racing game released "Rage", the results "exciting."

    As for the long-term project "Doom 4", clearly referred to the ZeniMax / Bethesda issue, and "Castle Wolfenstein" and "Rage" is planned to Activision and EA, but the sequel (if any) of the distribution rights is ZeniMax.

    - Id is the same with the Bethesda office under one roof, the future cooperation between the two it?

    "Basically all of the practice, we courteous," Carmack said, "there will be many contacts and communication, as there will be any technical exchanges, I am not sure. But the two is clearly the next logical cooperate and in the future even if there is minding the things I will not be too surprised, when you are all a high opinion of men and people who think they do anything can happen. "

    - Id co-founder John Romero of the awful M & A say?

    "ZeniMax??? Disgusting," he said on Twitter, "Fallout 3 has been Doom, Swtor."

    Text reader replies:

    - Since the Carmack do mobile phone games, and that id / Bethesda to consider Romero please come back.

    - Ion Storm was also remember you, "Eidos??? Disgusting." (Referring to his Romero ?? Eidos sword drawn in throwing money at pie)